Sugar Cane Growers Cooperative of Florida


Sugar Cane Growers Cooperative of Florida



We have had the privilege of crafting the annual report brochures for the Sugar Cane Growers Cooperative of Florida for several years now. This partnership has allowed us to showcase their remarkable journey in the agricultural industry.

The Cooperative, consisting of 39 member farms spread across the fertile Everglades Agricultural Area, plays a pivotal role in bringing sugarcane from the fields of South Florida to tables worldwide. Their commitment to quality is exemplified through the annual production of over 350,000 tons of raw sugar, capable of meeting the demands of millions.

This success story is further amplified by their partnership with Florida Crystals Corporation, co-owners of ASR Group, the largest cane sugar refining company globally. ASR Group’s reach extends across continents, and their array of premier brands delights consumers in over 100 countries.

With a rich history and global presence, the Sugar Cane Growers Cooperative of Florida continues to flourish, and we are proud to be part of their journey year after year.


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